Take Off

Tuesdays are actually Mondays for some of us – whew! 💛

How are we doing this week?! Yesterday was a rough one but today was very productive. 

Monday I was curled up on the couch like a sad girl most of the day and let the negative thoughts have a good day in my brain. Today I woke up and changed things up! I made breakfast, sat at my table and knocked out my to do list. I gave myself permission to have faith and think only about the positive things.

 A couple hours ago I found out it's Black Girl Off Day! 

I didn't take off from the work day but I took off from a couple mental things!


I took off from:

1. Overthinking the million things that are out of my control 

2. Convincing myself that I'm not enough 

3. Creating made up negative scenarios that will never happen

4. Being hard on myself 


Being a full time creative is pretty much a continuous leap of faith and having to consistently trust yourself! When things are slow the negative thoughts start to tell you that what you're doing is no longer good enough or that you've fallen off. Don't allow this time to break you or talk you out of your greatness. You are amazing and just in a different season right now! This time may bend you a little but it could never break you. 


Think about a couple of things that you can TAKE OFF from! This isn't easy but everyday you start to let more and more of those bad things go! 


Hard Seasons


Finding Flow