Finding Flow

Sundays are made for me to pour into my fellow creative and let you know you're never alone 


The idea of routine has been heavy with me and my clients lately! I have been creating day in the life videos for people, adding another retainer client that wants the theme of content to be ROUTINE and my last therapy session we unpacked my need for a ROUTINE

Some of us have these beautiful intentional ways to start the day and even getting into a good work flow. 

I am not one of those people but I aspire to be! REAL BAD (caresha voice)

My brain has been all over the place lately! 

Struggling with these lonely single girl days + finding the perfect morning routine/work schedule. 

Two things I covered in my last therapy session was:

  1. Sarah Jakes Roberts has a video on YouTube where she talks about Isolation leading to Transformation. Being a full-time creative juggling all my life changes has definitely put me into a season of isolation. Wish I could connect with my friends more but this season hasn't really allowed the space for that. My therapist unpacked this thought with me and made me think about the beauty on the other side of this.                                      God is preparing me for something that will blow my mind.

  2. Finding/Creating Routine: My day has no flow and needs one ASAP. A couple days ago I got back into journaling and adding the gym to my mornings. This made me feel really good but getting into my work flow has been challenging. I am still trying to build the routine that works for me and finding the joy in each day. Having a great routine is truly a treat for our brains! Knowing a flow is happening is so beneficial – my therapist told me that!


I know I can't be alone in this! How are my creatives doing with routines?!

Anyone going through a season of isolation? 

How are my single girls doing? Cuffing season completely missed us lol 


If you are experiencing the same struggles as me you need to understand that your journey is special. There is no one on this earth currently telling your story the way that you do! Find the beauty in your days and try to ignore the pressure from the outside noise. Not all of us can wake up the crack of dawn and get into a flow, some of us need a little extra time. Whatever season you are in please understand that you deserve to experience great things and that greater is always coming. 


Take Off


A Natural