Creative Soft Life
The creative soft life experience. The girls woke up one day and decided to stop overworking and subscribing to burn out being normal. We as a collective decided that the conversation around rest needed to have the floor. As a full-time creative we have to make our own soft life experience because at times the hustle overpowers it. I'm not going to lie I have my moments where I honestly consider getting back into the 9-5 world. The hustle is an uphill battle that doesn't always allow for grace and slow days. Bills have to be paid, so of course a client has to be booked, or artwork has to be sold. You have to create your own definition of the soft life and embrace that because we all need rest/ease.
Below are some things you can do to have a softer creative life:
Have at least one day of the week where you only focus on rest or creating something that you're passionate about. These days will make the worky ones smoother.
Make a schedule for yourself! I know a lot of us are just winging our days but adding a little structure can provide peace of mind.
Try your hardest to work with as many aligned clients as possible. Working with someone that truly appreciates how you create and has a similar vision is a form of self care.
Outsource! Outsource! Outsource! Get some help so that you can focus on the parts that you love. A lot of creatives aren't that great at the logistics so we need a little help with that.
Find a creative soul mate + tribe. Get you a couple people that you can flush out ideas with and be inspired by. The other side of that is finding someone reliable and amazing to create with.